What we do

Future Academy combines pitch and classroom to make education exciting.

Future English

Our English school provides an innovative, personalised curriculum delivered by inspiring teachers. We improve academic performance by using games as a tool for education, making learning active, engaging and fun.

Future Football

Our football academy welcomes all ages and abilities. Local qualified coaches and professional footballers run daily sessions; from kickarounds for kids to elite performance training and weekend tournaments.

Our players evolve into students. 

We teach the language of the world, they learn how to write a new reality.

Our work

Field Operations

We provide English language classes, football coaching and tournaments, alongside educational and sporting field trips.

Raising Funds

All funds raised are spent on classroom supplies and trained teachers, football pitch hire and local coaches.

Future Aims

To provide English classes and football coaching to every child refugee in Beirut.

Our team


Chris Watts

Writer – Founder


Ahmad Al Jamal

Footballer – Founder


Coach Saleh

Head Coach – Community Liaison

What is a refugee?

The UN Refugee Agency definition says :

“A refugee is someone who has been forced to flee his or her country because of persecution, war or violence.”

We help kids from the refugee camp of Burj Barajneh and Shatila, in Beirut, Lebanon.

Camp Size
Original population
Current population
Future Academy Staff

Poverty is a complicated issue, deciding to help those it affects is not

Do you want to know...

Where the money we collect goes?

The people we are working with?

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Poverty is a complicated issue, deciding to help those it affects is not

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