Future English

Our English school provides an innovative, personalised curriculum delivered by inspiring teachers. We improve academic performance by using games as a tool for education, making learning active, engaging and fun.

Refugees don’t have passports, so they need language to travel. Our aim is to ensure every child who enters our school leaves with a better understanding of the world outside and how to access it.

We teach English language, numeracy, art and vocational skills .In addition our students have access to a library and afterschool club which provides children with

  • A safe, child-friendly social space with opportunities for creative play and arts & crafts
  • Teacher-led group activities and games.
  • A homework club and catch up classes for students who have been unable to attend lessons.
  • A quiet zone where students may read and study.
  • Access to technology.

At the heart of our provision are our core purposes of learning:

Voice: to be able to express ideas and opinions, in oral and written form, with the confidence that they will be heard and understood
Access: to be able to access information so that they can orient themselves in the world
Independence: to be able to solve problems and make decisions on their own, acting independently without having to rely upon others
Bridge to the future: to acquire the skills needed to be active participants in a changing world

Our aim is to ensure every child who enters our school leaves with a better understanding of the world outside and how to access it.

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Poverty is a complicated issue, deciding to help those it affects is not